Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Disease of Attachment to Time

Many animal totems today. And I was (re)united with some soul family last night; with tribe. I haven't yet met them here and I know they came at the perfect time. I so wish I could write a novel about my every experience, and am in moments, releasing the burden of knowing that I will not be able to make any of this nearly as potent as it is in the sensory experience.

Wide-circing Heron: Patience and grace

I am writing poetry and notes mostly in a journal now and on pads of paper, rather than full essays. I am turning inwards and then vacillate to turning outwards, and both seem to be creating an expense of energy. Recognizing the need for other creative outlets and last night felt a severe lack that I don't play an instrument. Singing, though. This is just sort of journal feeling rather than for an audience ...

September, "a time of transition", and I've never felt everything that I do so acutely. This morning I moved into surrender. I felt a buzzing in my pineal gland and it was something I've never experienced before. Other things going on, too. Trying to write on here every day to stay consistent with a ritual but this is obviously more journal-feeling.

Oh, I do have something for the collective: If it's from your heart, even if it doesn't make you money, you should do it. You don't have the time not to. Expansion will happen. I haven't gotten to the point where I'm comfortable with the Big Expansions in embodiment, though. I will say that my brain actually sort of aches with "growing pains". I can feel it happening. This will obviously sound what society likes to call "nuts" to those who have not experienced this. Okay with it except for the fact that it is sadly such a construct, and keeps so many contained to attempted normalcy, which the earth is desperately attempting to reverse. It's happening, too. Tribes are reuniting. Grateful.

Also, from an experience I had this morning: surrender brings an actual floating sensation if there's a ritual guiding you into it. At least, it did for me. It still feels very hard to not be focusing on all the "how will this look/feel/what will I do?" pieces (future-oriented) but I was able to let go a little bit more from that while in this floating space.

1 comment:

  1. please don't stop writing. you are fantastic at this. i've only read two so far but they are interesting, thought provoking, positive, and meaningful. long time no see. :) hope your doing well. if your ever around boulder/denver do get in contact with me! thanks for the positive inspirational words, friend! :
