Sunday, August 30, 2015

Resistance // Free Flow

There gets to be this point when talking to others stop helping. Because all we are trying to do, at the core, is take ourselves away from our pain. Come from wherever it does, it is unavoidable. And what I'm learning is that the more we run from it, the more we try to avoid it, the more it persists. I've connected with Carl Jung's quote, "What you resist persists" since I first heard it a few years back, but now it takes on new meaning. I have gotten close to the end of resistance, at least in this phase. I can't preemptively conquer pain. Can anyone conquer pain, at all? I feel that in actuality, it doesn't stop. It doesn't go away -- it just changes form and, in the same breath, neither does joy go away but simply change form. It depends on what we feel more. I understand that this feeling is a choice we make, because we do, ultimately have the ability to choose, but based on our core strength, the level of ease of difficulty in choosing becomes so varied. If heavily conditioned to fear and run from what makes us uncomfortable (via distraction methods in their myriad forms), perhaps the only way to wake up from this illusion is by intense, full experience. Experience that shakes us out of the illusion that we can avoid what we don't want and choose what we do, as if life is some emotion buffet -- pick what looks delicious, bypass what doesn't -- and brings us into the reality that we are here for just that: to experience all of it in service of growth, of collective growth, of collective planetary growth so that all beings may evolve and thrive. Feeling into our personal experiences, from the sublime and orgasmic to the horrifying and terror-inducing, is the very thing that might allow this evolution to carry on -- that might allow each of us to move through those sentient experiences of the latter, move through them into the joy that resides on the other side. I've experienced this in my life in small doses, and have been assured by those who have gotten the big doses that there is abundant light on the other side of these horrendous & necessary experiences. I must trust this for it is this trust, this faith, that will carry me, and this whole sensory-experiencing package that houses within it the same light that is of all things through to the other side.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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