Thursday, August 27, 2015

Healing the branches, ignoring the roots: The Problem with (Some) Allopathic Meds

I am realizing, in action, the extent of the way allopathic medications mess with our natural body systems. If there is trauma to be processed, the body will release it through various methods, one of which is through the nervous system. I have witnessed my nervous system release through shaking, chills, and when rapidly flowing from me, the feeling of electricity leaving through my hands, feet, face ... You may have experienced it as well after holding in trauma in the form of pain via fear/anger/sorrow -- if so you know it's quite a thing to behold. Our bodies know what to do, when aligned. The first time I settled into nervous system grounding work with a psychosomatic/spiritual healer, my body immediately started to release as she made contact with my feet, knees, adrenal glands, shoulders, then a cranial-sacral hold. It release all this old stored trauma through my feet, working to clear my lower energy body, and also through my hands, leaving them in a unique mudra as the electric feeling rendered them shaped. 

When we take allopathic medications -- and specifically I'll refer to anti-anxiety pills (the ones that provide a temporary high of some sort in the short term, but end up exacerbating the experience of anxiety later) -- we sever the mind-body connection of releasing trauma. * Our thoughts don't necessarily slow down (and this is especially true, I would guess, if one's experience of trauma -- and the pace of one's thoughts -- is an especially heightened one), and what's healthy is for the body to release this trauma through the nervous system. Anti-anxiety meds (and those of the "pain killer" variety) trick our bodies into numbness. But it's merely a delay. Since our thoughts and what would be the residual release (on multiple levels) don't stop (even if they seem to slow down), the experience of the held trauma stays, and actually compiles upon itself. So we end up with more to release later. Our minds may go into overdrive without our body's response of release what must be release for the healing process to be underway. So when the meds do wear off, the body has even more it needs to handle and can even go into shock. This ... is a problem. It is a systemic problem, so how do we heal it? Cleanse from the meds ... I'm the last person to say something is easier done than said. But I also know that the discomfort is worth the eventual peace that comes from physiological alignment. This is one piece of alignment, but all the pieces hinge on one another.

* This understanding is based completely on my own experiencing, and what is channeled through it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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