Saturday, February 14, 2015

Antidotes to Living Life in Fear

  • Find your way back to your body: it's your own little piece of earth, and there are answers there.

Get grounded on the planet that we inhabit. We, as humans with abilities of discernment and free will are able to adopt any energy we choose, but this comes only with practice. The kryptonite to the development of this ability is one’s continuing to give in to a habitual patterning – a manifestation of programming, karma, and repressed cellular genetic knowledge that no longer serves our present reality. A recognition and balance of the elements within each of us is necessary, but can also be potentially less-serving if we lean into any one energy more than the others equanimity (examples could be attempting to quantify and compartmentalize and logically analyze everything, often resulting in an objectified, polarized way of viewing experience = earth, or to try to figure out the meaning in everything – which resulting in completely spiraling out in our thoughts = air, floating aimlessly about without putting actions towards any grounded intentions = water, etc.) We can adopt earth energy at any time – go outside, look at a tree for three minutes. Continue to come back to the physicality of the tree: the way the bark connects and separates from itself and mazes its way up the trunk in unique and specific patterns, the way moss grows from between the cracks in the bark, the changes of colors up from the roots all the way into the lofty branches stretching above you. From this fixed place on earth, we can see movement. The alternative to this grounded perspective is too much motion; this could be spiraling out in our thoughts or darting from task to task in a fiery manner, totally frantic and unable to see the bigger scope. When you’re in constant motion, perspective completely dissipates. This keeps us in one particular pattern (and is generally a manifestation of our thoughts) and unable to see the bigger picture: what could actually take us out of this spiraling experience and bring us to higher truth – and with it, a sense of true okay-ness. To find perspective, ask: “What’s really going on right now?”

What’s on the other side of fear? Anything and everything in the form of love and pure truth, and it flows unrestricted.

  • Recognize that we can stretch time.

Aside from changing your karma, you are a powerful being who is capable of previously-thought-to-be superhuman feats … the most magical of all perhaps, you divine creature of light, is your ability to stretch time. Here’s the key to moving into this elusive yet totally accessible superhuman power: First, breathe away your thoughts. It’s as excruciatingly difficult yet as simple as this. Practice. Becoming a superhuman takes commitment and practice. You have to know you want it. It’s only when you’re sure that you want a change will you make it.

And, you have to be brave. You have to know you will experience pain, and continue to walk down the dark and windy path holding only your trust and hopeful foresight that there’s healing sunlight at the end of this winding road. Even if the light is so dim and filtered by the gnarled branches blocking your way that you can only hardly sense it and all you can do is stumble blindly forward with no guide at all except for your own hope that the dark path will come to an end. This is the path to the unknown, and to embracing it – because eventually you get somewhere, and then you grow to know that place (and then the cycle begins again).

As sentient beings, we can find answers in the physical plane, in our very own physical bodies: our own little piece of earth, the only thing we’re actually attached to as we can continue to breathe. Let your own earth be your connection to Mama Earth’s deep wisdom. This wisdom is the same. (Our minds just filter it and twist this wisdom to meet our fear-fed ego’s devices). So as you’re stumbling down this dark path, boldly holding both fear and trust, return to the earth for a moment. Your feet are on the ground. While there’s much to be experienced as spiritual beings, we incarnate in bodies here on earth to experience earth: there are answers here for us. Recognize that, so while the next step is uncertain, the one you’re taking in this moment is now – and therefore certain. What other answers are here for you?

When we check out of our bodies and into our thoughts, we transport ourselves far, far away from earth. Our minds spiral out into a reality that isn’t here; it isn’t the one we could be experiencing if we came back to our feet. It’s here that we live in an imagined reality, our filtered perceptions of events past or a yet-to-be-determined future that we react to and then create by our own anticipated fears. We hug friends thinking of what we have next on our agenda for the day without really feeling the truth that their earth bodies can offer ours, and recognize that we might have a message for them, too, right in that moment: a shared message that can bring us to deeper healing, to deeper knowing, to deeper remembering of our highest truth.

A moment can be extended when we forget to consider what the next moment might entail.

Moments are shortened when we engage in thoughts like “I wish this moment would never end” or “I hope this never ends”. Everything ends; the purpose and value of presence is that it allows us to embody everything in its fullness until that time comes. The moment we catapult ourselves to imaginary places out of that particular moment is the moment that that moment disappears and we can become destroyers rather than creators. Our nature is to create. It is why we are here – why all living things are here: to experience breath for a little while. Create more breath; create fullness; inject yourself so fully into a moment that that moment is all there is, because it truly is.

  • Throw a counter-story at the story.

Our thoughts are just thoughts: And when we get hooked on a story, it’s because some deep-seeded fears is trying to show itself for your benefit: that is, if you choose to use this powerful noticing to your benefit. The fear wants to be released – fears show up in waking life (in our day dreams or active imaginations) and they can also manifest in our dreams: sometimes the deepest fears, the most unconscious, reveal themselves in our dreams.

If the story hooks you, ask yourself, “What if?” What if you show up the scary, doesn't-feel-so-awesome story that’s entered your awareness with another story that feels better to you? When we start to disassociate from our habitual fear-based stories tht arise and form new neural pathways that serve us in healthier ways, when we start to introduce new stories that counter or dispute the content of the previous story, we have the option of developing neutrality so that neither story holds more power. They’re all just stories; all just thoughts – none more or less significant than any other.

This is developing your brilliant sanity. It's expansive clarity: it's being clear with your needs and your truth, and the only way to know your truth is through the development of equanimity between your head and heart, mind and body. When this brilliant sanity is developed, and you put that developed brilliant sanity up against anything, it will win. And this is the sort of winning that everyone should (and can) perpetually experience.

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