Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Discovering Our Higher Truth by Healing Lower Truth // The Start of the Alchemy of Social Justice, Part Two

This is a manifesto, a call to action, for us -- all of us -- to begin to move into our lower truths, to heal them, and to recognize that in order for us to break cycles now, we must all come together and recognize that yes, while we may never truly understand another's personal pain and suffering, we do all carry within us deep and pervasive and ingrained trauma (again, regardless of which side of oppression it is that we fall). I do not dismiss your pain, and can never fully understand the intricacies and nuances and depth of the channels through which it runs. I see that you have experienced pain, and that you experience pain, and I acknowledge that some of that pain may very well have been from the catalyst of my own doing, or that of my generations of ancestors -- these cycles run deep. I believe this understanding must be packed in with the word "ally": so that when one identifies as "being an ally", one cannot just consider oneself an ally and through this, feel better about oneself and call it a day. What must be packed into the subscription of this label is a sense of responsibility -- to use one's privilege to create an impact. To say this plainly: If you witness a person of a minority being handed the shorter end of the stick, receiving rights lesser than those that they, as a human being, deserve (and less than the rights that are being doled out within that same vicinity to those in majority groups), or being treated in a way that doesn't sit well within you, there is a pact you have signed through your calling yourself an ally to STAND UP to this injustice in service of counteracting it. That standing up can be subtle or overt, but it must be done, or you cannot call yourself an ally. You must also understand that you can't ever fully know another's struggle. Know that pain is pain, but many of our ancestors have caused more pain for others than otherwise (and this is of course disregarding, through not being able to access, the pain being self-inflicted upon one's own soul through inflicting pain on another's).

There is a deep divide between humans and it manifests through the instilled notion that a hierarchy must exist; our planet has suffered because of humans' ignorance and arrogance and need for power and ownership. It is no mistake that a great divide between the people exists here on earth. And it seems to be, at times, our personal attachment to our pain and the continuance of a habitual need to place blame and embody the victimized role that continues to divide us, to keep us from coming together in order to heal ourselves and our planet. This is no mistake, and I imagine those at the head of corporations like Wal-Mart and Goodwill and that biggest monster company of all Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named (yes, the one that sprays poison on our food and in the process kills the vital pollinators of life) sitting atop their ivory thrones above people riling in the streets, drinking whiskey out of short glasses and smoking exotic cigars and chuckling, simply REVELING in the fact that the people down on the streets have no power. (If you don't know about the deeply unsettling and problematic values upon which each of these companies have built their fortresses, please simply Google them. Links provided, but please own your process of learning and take it farther; take your learning process so far that you recognize that you actually know nothing, and then surrender to it: and here, may you leap into the fire of the unknown, for it is there that the real alchemy occurs.)

There's something more: there's more of an alchemical blending that is needed, and it is needed for massive, global-scale healing now. This is the blending of the traits of the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine. The Divine Feminine embodies receptivity, tenderness, flexibility, creation, emotion, and slowed down but strategic movement. The Sacred Masculine embodies action, quickness of movement, direction, focus, and gentle strength. It is through the blending of these energies that we might create real change. Because it is no longer rioting in the streets -- desperate crusades created by the buzz of the need for that just-out-of-reach change that so many of us desire -- or movements like Occupy. We have seen through these current movements, along with those of the 60's and through the 70's that change occurs, but it is not often the pervasive and lasting change that we know the world requires. The Women's Suffrage Movement, the Civil Rights Movement; all incredibly worthy and valuable campaigns that elicited change. But there is still so much disconnnect, so much discrepancy between the words those in power speak and what we, the citizens at ground level, know to be actually going on. It is now, through the combined energies of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine that we must make our next move. Because we're re-entering the Satya Yuga (I am setting an intention to write a more extensive post on this soon) -- this age of truth -- the time is ripe to leave the darkness behind us where it's most comfortable: in the dark. We are re-entering into the light, into the period of the Divine Feminine, and this a conducive time to recognize that we can re-incorporate these traits into the collective unconscious.

We must strategize. We must contemplate and band together and, like Community teaches us, put the needs of the group before the needs of the individual. Systems are changed from the inside out and must begin again, anew, from the ground up -- with the assistance of Community. If a system is sick and spreading its sickness (like cancer, for instance), the nucleus of that creation has to change. It has to transform. It doesn't change from the outside working its way in. The power is held in the center, in the core, in the nucleus of an entity.

It is time to bring together our collective energies, communally activate and hold space for each others' healing of pain, and work together through symbiotic and co-creative methods to develop a way to destroy and re-create the nucleus. Regardless of what system we are speaking of, it is only through the implosion of our lower truths, through descent and excavation, that collaborative ascension into the explosion of our higher truths will occur.

[I am realizing that the content of this post is very ethereal and less grounded than I had meant for it to be; I am trying to move into a more earth-based style of writing (and living, really) that provides real solutions, but this needs to happen parallel to my growth through my life experiences ... I was reminded of this today by a dear, brilliant writer friend of mine. For now, my daily writing habit feels like it's congruent with the journey that I'm on and as I develop more clarity -- specifically around the nuances of social justice and diversity in our culture, and the implications that being part of a minority in this culture hold (e.g., starting every process a few steps below those in "the majority" and what this entails on a daily basis) -- I hold hope that my ability to offer more concrete solutions, and offer them in writing and in action, will develop.]

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